Student Essentials

“A positive statement propels hope toward a better future, it builds up your faith and that of others, and it promotes change.”
– Credit to Jan Dargatz, Publishing Professional 

COVID AND ITS EFFECT TO YOUR EDUCATION PLANS. Will you let COVID win over your desire to pursue a degree?

There is an opportunity even in the worst case of pandemic. Stay Healthy. Take Action. Invest in your Future.

More than a year ago, everyone’s focus had been diverted to a global concern that made the world panicked and alarmed as a newly discovered Coronavirus spread so quickly and deemed to be fatal. Closing borders, lock downs and most establishments had to undergo temporary closures to avoid public transmissions and to lessen the exposure of those with underlying medical conditions. Education sectors were nonexempt.


Education systems worldwide have been affected by COVID. It had almost lead schools, universities, colleges and other educational institutions to near-shutdown but we are still fortunate because online education system has already been in place even before this worldwide nightmare started. The good thing about distance learning is that you don’t have to go out of your way to be in a physical or traditional classroom set up in order to learn new things or earn a degree because with the help of technology and an internet connection, you’re one step ahead to your dream of holding a degree for a better career.

Similarly, there are online programs and courses that can be provided to you with flexibility to make your “stay-at-home” mode worthwhile. You can take advantage of the current situation where most of the things can be done remotely. If you are an executive trying to level up a career but no time to go to campuses to attend classes, then, online education is just within your reach.


Fast forward to now, the virus can be everywhere, unseen and still remain infectious. So the question is “Will you let COVID win over your desire to pursue a degree or will you take this chance to make the wise decision where you can benefit later in life?” BrightOn Consultancy and Resource Centre is here to help! You can write to for any further inquiries and we will be delighted to assist you in getting the best university that will cater to your educational needs.